Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2014-04-17 House Journal

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2014-04-17                     House Journal                      Page 2563
SB 206                                                                                                                        
The following, which was advanced to third reading from the April 16,                                                           
2014, calendar (page 2495), was read the third time:                                                                            
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 206(STA)                                                                                             
    "An Act relating to motor vehicle registration and fees; relating to                                                        
    licensing of school bus drivers; relating to notice of an accident                                                          
   involving a motor vehicle; and providing for an effective date."                                                            
Representative Hawker moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                    
CSSB 206(STA) be returned to second reading for the specific                                                                    
purpose of considering Amendment No. 1.  There being no objection,                                                              
it was so ordered.                                                                                                              
Amendment No. 1 was offered  by Representatives Hawker, Costello,                                                                
Gara, and Lynn:                                                                                                                 
Page 4, line 5:                                                                                                                 
    Delete "(A)"                                                                                                                
Page 4, lines 9 - 13:                                                                                                           
    Delete all material.                                                                                                        
Page 4, line 19, following "(10)":                                                                                              
    Insert ";                                                                                                                   

2014-04-17                     House Journal                      Page 2564
             (3)  the applicant has been convicted two or more times of                                                         
    misdemeanor driving while under the influence of an alcoholic                                                               
    beverage, inhalant, or controlled substance under AS 28.35.030 or                                                           
    misdemeanor refusal to submit to a chemical test under                                                                      
    AS 28.35.032, or a combination of those offenses"                                                                           
Page 5, lines 7 - 10:                                                                                                           
    Delete all material and insert:                                                                                             
         "(k)  Notwithstanding (c) or (d) of this section, the department                                                       
    may, under standards set by regulation, issue a license to a person                                                         
             (1)  may otherwise not be issued a license under (d)(3) of                                                         
    this section if, in the 10-year period immediately preceding the                                                            
    application under this subsection, the person has not been                                                                  
    convicted of a violation of driving while under the influence of an                                                         
    alcoholic beverage, inhalant, or controlled substance under                                                                 
    AS 28.35.030 or refusal to submit to a chemical test under                                                                  
    AS 28.35.032;                                                                                                               
             (2)  has been convicted of an offense listed under                                                                 
    (c)(2)(A) - (D) of this section if less than two years have elapsed                                                         
    since the date of conviction and the offense was not against a                                                              
Representative Hawker moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                    
Amendment No. 1 be adopted.                                                                                                     
Objection was heard and withdrawn.  There being no further objection,                                                           
Amendment No. 1 was adopted.                                                                                                    
The question being:  "Shall CSSB 206(STA) am H pass the House?"                                                                 
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                   
CSSB 206(STA) am H                                                                                                              
Third Reading                                                                                                                   
Final Passage                                                                                                                   
YEAS:  40   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Austerman, Chenault, Costello, Drummond, Edgmon, Feige,                                                                  
Foster, Gara, Gattis, Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Herron,                                                                    

2014-04-17                     House Journal                      Page 2565
Higgins, Holmes, Hughes, Isaacson, Johnson, Josephson, Kawasaki,                                                                
Keller, Kito III, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeDoux, Lynn, Millett, Munoz,                                                                 
Nageak, Neuman, Olson, Pruitt, Reinbold, Saddler, Seaton, Stoltze,                                                              
Tarr, Thompson, Tuck, P.Wilson, T.Wilson                                                                                        
And so, CSSB 206(STA) am H passed the House.                                                                                    
Representative Pruitt moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll                                                           
call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the                                                              
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                            
CSSB 206(STA) am H was referred to the Chief Clerk for                                                                          